OpenACC and Open Hackathons Highlights: May 2023
May. 31, 2023

Stay up-to-date on the latest updates: This month's edition covers the Open Hackathon Mentor Program, a highlight from a team at the recent UK National Hackathon, upcoming Open Hackathons and Bootcamps, and more!! 
In this issue:

  1. OpenACC and Open Hackathons Monthly Highlights: April 2023 
  2. Who is OpenACC? 
  3. OpenACC Specification Momentum: Wide Adoption Across Key HPC Codes
  4. Call for Speakers: Open Accelerated Computing Summit
  5. Upcoming Events
  6. Innovation Leaders: A Conversation with Sunita Chandrasekaran
  7. Cori Supercomputer Retired at the End of May
  8. Calls Closing: DOE INCITE Program
  9. Upcoming Webinar: Accelerating a Production Solar MHD Code with Fortran Standard Parallelism
  10. Upcoming Webinar: KokkACC: Enhancing Kokkos with OpenACC
  11. Paper: FLAME GPU 2: A Framework for Flexible and Performant Agent Based Simulation on GPUs
  12. Paper: Acceleration of the Parameterization of Unified Microphysics Across Scales (PUMAS) on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) With Directive-Based Methods
  13. Paper: Optimization and Portability of a Fusion OpenACC-based FORTRAN HPC Code from NVIDIA to AMD GPUs
  14. Website: Technical Resources
  15. Stay in the Know: Join the Community
  16. Learn more at